Saturday, October 6, 2018

Preparing for the Fight

We are in the final count down… chemo and radiation begin on Wednesday. I am ready for this fight and am doing all I can to prepare my surroundings, my mind and heart for what is to come.

We have been offering information to Marilyn and Spencer as well… trying to help them understand what the next few months will look like. But it is so hard when the answers are truly unknown, and the severity of the side effects can vary from being extremely tired and sick to hospitalization.

Fighting cancer is no picnic and going through this surgery and recovery have been tough. But it has shown me over and over… daily reminders that people are good. There is so much love around us, in the people we know and those we don’t. And I am blown away by the outpouring of support we have experienced so far.

Loved beyond comprehension. And loved by those that actually know me and those that know our family or my parents or my sister or my grandparents or extended family or my in-laws. And even strangers that hear of our family and offer their prayers and support. This is the tribe of love that gives me strength every single day to put on a smile and look for the positive and know, deep in my heart that we are all in this fight together.

Cancer has taught me to be a gracious, joyous recipient. A thankful, grateful heart willing to accept help. This is a really hard role for a caregiver and one that is so often on the giving side not the receiving side. But cancer has brought this gift, and I am learning to willingly accept help.

You are asking me, asking Hunter, asking my parents- How can you help? You ask, but I have no quick answer.

I have been pondering this while I rest and recover. While I am the only one that can endure the treatments and the side-effects, I am not the only one enduring this cancer battle. My most beloveds are right with me in the trenches, and it is awful to stand by, while the one you love is hurting.

So maybe you can help take care of them while I take care of the cancer.

Doing something fun? Offer to take Marilyn & Spencer. Let them have a bit of fun out in the world while I stay safe away from crowds of people.

Headed out for a beer or dinner? Invite Hunter, give him a break from the role of chief caregiver.

Come visit me and share your sunshine.

Help our family during this time with the extra services we need:

House Cleaner- $85/visit
Lawn Mowing- $45/visit
Before School Care for the Kids- $100/week

Gift Cards: Send a gift card for dinner or groceries. We shop at Kroger so we can do the Clicklist- I order it online, they load it in the car and the kids help bring it all inside.

Help our family with the incredible medical bills we are experiencing as well as all of the other miscellaneous medical expenses we endure.

I hate asking for money, it sucks. But unfortunately, so does cancer. And cancer does not seem to understand that we already spend thousands of dollars a month just to keep Spencer alive and provide him with his Type One technology. Nor does cancer remember the thousands of dollars we spent this summer for him to experience the amazing Type One Diabetes summer camp.

I wouldn’t change a thing and I don’t plan to. Spencer recently saw an invoice for his insulin pump supplies, it was for over $500. The next day, he said all he wants for Christmas is insulin, pump supplies and sensor supplies. My amazing 7 year old wants nothing more than to live, and I know the feeling.

So, we are also accepting donations to send Spencer back to diabetes camp this summer. It changed his life and gave him the confidence he needs to help take care of himself when Hunter and I are not around.

Prior to this summer, he would not have been able to attend the before school program or get a ride home from someone else or visit a friend for a play date. He needed me or Hunter around ALL THE TIME… and now, he is comfortable understanding his medical needs and walking the adults around him through the process. The money we spent sending him to camp is going to help keep him alive and provide the tools for him to effectively manage his care.

We could have never guessed that it would be so desperately needed this year- especially on the days when I have been so sick in bed and can hardly move.

So take care of my people. That’s what I ask. My heart explodes with love for them. I fight this battle for them. I fight so I can continue in my favorite roles- my roles as mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, cousin, niece, friend, in-law, co-worker and so many more. I fight for all the people who love me, and those that love the ones I love.

Because cancer not only tries to take over my body, it tries to invade the hearts of those around me. It brings sadness and concern to those I love and frankly, I’m ready to kick cancer’s ass and get back to my most wonderful life.

I hate seeing fear in my husband’s eyes, in my parents’ faces, in my children’s tears. I hate hearing fear in my sister’s voice in our daily chats. I am ready to give them all the gift of peace… peace in knowing the cancer in gone.

But as I told Hunter, I am so ready to be done with cancer- but in order for it to end, treatments must begin. I will endure anything that cancer throws my way and ask for your love, prayers and support during this battle.


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